Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Secondary Group (18th October)

Hi all,

Tuition this weekend will be from 0900hrs-1100hrs on both Saturdays and Sundays.

Please make sure you've read the short story and found the '10' difficult words! = ]

Please bring along your test papers and result slips should you already have them.

Now guys, having heard about some of your results, I believe you share my sentiment when i tell you NOW's the time to start being serious about your work. Some of you periodically skip my lessons (come when you like) or are always late etc. All this means you receive my teachings in bits and pieces, which will definitely not be as helpful to you as it should be.

As such, I hope if you didn't do too well for this Exam, you'll realise it's HIGH TIME you started being serious about your work and attend my classes punctually and routinely.

Having said that, most of you have improved and I'm very proud of you lot = ]

Whatever it may be, please bear in mind that next year is the IMPT year for you guys! Work hard now and enjoy the fruits of your labour/toil/suffering later = ]


1 comment:

Xenophon Law said...

I will be come on Saturday.
But the teacher does not return back the English paper to me, so i can't let you to see.
